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Sauna Maintenance 101: Tips and Tricks for Long-Lasting Sauna Enjoyment

Sauna Maintenance 101: Tips and Tricks for Long-Lasting Sauna Enjoyment

Maintaining your sauna is key to ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. A well-cared-for sauna not only provides a more enjoyable experience but can also become a lasting part of your wellness routine. Whether you're new to sauna ownership or looking to improve your maintenance routine, here are essential tips and tricks for keeping your sauna in top condition.

Regular Cleaning

  • Interior: After use, allow the sauna to cool down, then wipe down the benches, walls, and floor with a damp cloth to remove sweat and impurities. Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the wood or affect air quality.
  • Exterior: Dust and clean the exterior with a mild soap solution and a soft cloth, focusing on areas that accumulate dust or fingerprints.

Wood Care

  • Avoid Moisture Build-up: Ensure your sauna dries completely after use to prevent mold and mildew growth. Leave the door open to air out if necessary.
  • Treat the Wood: Periodically treat the wood surfaces with natural oils or special sauna wood treatments to preserve the wood's integrity and appearance.

Heater Maintenance

  • Electric Heaters: Check and clean the heating elements regularly to ensure they're free of dust and debris. If your sauna uses stones, inspect them periodically for cracks or deterioration and replace them as needed.
  • Infrared Panels: Dust off infrared panels gently with a dry cloth. Ensure they're free from obstructions that could block the heat.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

  • Unusual Smells: If you notice any unusual smells, ensure the wood is treated correctly and the sauna is drying properly after use. Check for any signs of mold or mildew.
  • Temperature Issues: If your sauna isn't reaching the desired temperature, verify that the heater is working correctly and isn't obstructed. For electric heaters, ensure the stones are appropriately placed and not overly packed.

Safety Inspections

  • Regular Checks: Conduct regular inspections of electrical components, door hinges, and latches to ensure everything is functioning safely.
  • Professional Inspection: Consider having a professional inspection annually to check for any electrical or structural issues that may not be immediately apparent.


Sauna maintenance doesn't have to be a chore. By incorporating these simple steps into your routine, you can ensure your sauna remains a safe, clean, and relaxing part of your wellness regimen for years to come. Regular care not only extends the life of your sauna but also enhances your enjoyment and the health benefits you receive from each session.

Need More Advice?

If you have questions about sauna maintenance or need assistance with your sauna, contact My Sauna Plus. Our team of experts is here to provide you with additional maintenance tips, advice, and services to keep your sauna in pristine condition.

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